Wednesday, November 28, 2012



I put off going to the bathroom because it's too cold to pull my drawers down...I do live in a very old, drafty house.

I rearrange the eggs in the egg carton when the numbers start decreasing.  I move everything to the middle because it's "off-balance" if they all end up on one end of the carton.

I pretend I'm asleep at 2:00am when the cat is meowing LOUDLY to go outside so my bedmate will do it instead.

I wonder if only a handful of people read this blog anymore.  The same people leave comments, but I've heard that while only a few people may comment on your blog, many more are reading.

I wish we didn't have these two dogs.  They can be so disruptive, but they are loud barkers so we keep them on.  A farm needs dogs. 

I wish life weren't so hard.  The wealthy seem to have it pretty good.

I wish I lived in NYC or Hawaii or Paris, France.

I wonder why more people don't go out of their way for others.

I wonder why PW hasn't pulled my name out of her magic hat yet!  COME ON!


  1. Our bathroom is cold too...Yeah, Brian put plastic/caulking on all the old windows. I hate it, but I suppose it helps a bit.

    When I have given our farm eggs to people, I arrange it aesthetically pleasing to my eye based on shades of browns, white, and greens. I spend way too much time doing this.

    I like the idea of a dog...the reality...not so much. They are needy little things and make messes. I do miss having a dog to clean up the kitchen floor after dinner, though. We have considered getting a Great Pyrenees when we get sheep though. It can live in the barn/field with his herd.

    Whoever said money doesn't buy happiness is full of crap, I tell ya! Money could buy me a whole lot of happiness. I guess it depends on how happy you are to start with. I am happy already...I would just be VERY happy with a lot more money! However, the things I want are things like a sewing room, more fabric, a wood chipper/shredder, a greenhouse, my timber frame barn style home built, not clothing and gadgets and trinkets.

    Who is PW?

    1. You said it Carla! PW is The Pioneer Woman. She gives away all sorts of stuff on her blog. I never win nuthin!

      I do love my dogs, but they are being bad! Willie is still a puppy and Lola is just being a bitch. Getting into the garbage, running to the horse trail and telling Willie to roll in the crap. Chad and I have decided we are cat people. :-)

  2. LOL . . . you definitely have a very interest,refreshing, and hilarious perspective on life. Keep it up!!! ;-)

    P.S.- Good luck with PW! I keep trying my hand at Six Sisters give aways and have had no luck myself. LOL

    1. Six Sisters has giveaways?!?!?! OMG, why did you tell me :-).

    2. You are most welcome! LOL ;-)

  3. Keep writing no matter who else is reading...I am here! :)

    Dogs are much better in theory. (The same can be said of babies....I am likely to have offended almost everyone by saying those two things.)

    1. LOL! I think babies are over rated. So needy, why can't they be like horses and just come out walking!
