Saturday, November 10, 2012

Winter Warlock Comes

Winter's coming.
I'm not going to let this weekend and it's 70 degree temps fool me.
The week will show us temperatures in the 30's and 40's.
The earth is freezing up more.
The ground cover is gone.
Nothing to really nosh on outside anymore.

The hayloft seeks more sustenance.
Only one half is full, we need the other half delivered soon.

The barn gets colder and more cavern like in the winter.
It's dark at 5:30 now.
A opossum joined Chad in the barn the other night when he was closing up...looking for a warm place to bunk down.

The cats curl up on the hay bales.
The heated water buckets are doing their job.
Winter is coming.
I couldn't imagine living without seasons.
Without witnessing the earth going to sleep to be awoken again in the spring.
To hear the snowy silence that winter warlock spreads over the wood.

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