Thursday, July 1, 2010

Double Trouble

Zoe wants a horse. A female that she can name something like Daisy or Winny. She's asked for one for the past 3 years. I'm pushing for a pony, something smaller and more manageable than a horse.

Truth be told, horses sort of freak me out. I've never been horseback riding. They have those huge buggy eyes and they tower over you with those big chompers and can kick you without any hesitation on their part, sending you flying back with a broken something or other.

Anywho, I'm pushing for a pony.

My dad wants a horse, too. Maybe more than Zoe does.

He's talked about building a better fence, about planting clover and something called fescue grass for the horse to graze on. He's even plowed up our back yard in preparation for all of this planting. I had bought him a book YEARS ago called "Horsing on Small Acreage" because I thought YEARS ago he should get himself a horse. He never did. Now there are these two sweet little granddaughters residing in his old house and one of them wants a horse and boy, he's in heaven.

My dad had animals here on the farm when he was a kid. He told me a story once about a horse he had that was pretty ornery, he would walk it into the creek, it would lay down and not move. There was a horse here when I was little. I remember sitting on it, but it wouldn't move an inch. Ironically, his name was Flash. Horses seem to have a mind of their own. Do I really need that drama in my life...two sisters is enough drama on it's own!

My dad has suggested we get two ponies...

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